This week in Fairytale Land we follow the story of Geppetto and Pinocchio. Just like the original, Geppetto had made this little boy puppet and the blue fairy comes to turn him into a real boy. And of course, Pinocchio had that little problem of telling lies here and there.
When the curse begins to threaten the land, the blue fairy enlists Geppetto’s help. There is a magical tree that can be carved into a wardrobe and save two people from the curse. The idea is for Charming and the pregnant Snow White. But Geppetto can’t bare the thought of losing Pinocchio, so he strikes a deal with the fairy to save Snow and Pinocchio. She tells Snow and Charming the wardrobe can only save one.
However, by the time the curse comes, Emma is born. Geppetto is panicked and against the blue fairies instructions still sends Pinocchio. Snow sends Emma alone. The two children arrive in the woods and are eventually found in an orphanage. Pinocchio is given the opportunity to escape and does, leaving Emma all alone.
In Storybrooke, August turns out to be Pinocchio. He longs to reunite with his father who does not remember him. Additionally, since he ignored his task to be there for Emma and help guide her, his leg has begun turning into wood.
August sets out on a mission to prove to Emma that the fairytales are all real. He eventually takes her to the tree that they arrived in. However, she thinks he’s crazy. Really crazy. He even tries to show her his leg, but her disbelief causes her to not be able to see even that.
Meanwhile Regina is cooking up a plan. She manages to get David to come to her home and cook dinner for him. By the end of the evening she goes in for the kiss. However, he refuses. Thank goodness. I don’t think I could handle a third person added to his list. The guy’s turning into a player!
In addition, Sydney Glass wants to take the fall for Regina. But Emma knows the truth, it’s just the matter of proving it. Emma finds herself on a mission to get custody of Henry, to get him away from Regina. And at the end of the episode Emma sets out to leave Storybrooke…with Henry.
So, we finally know a good chunk about the stranger! What’d you think? Did you know he was Pinocchio all along or were you surprised? And what do you think about Emma leaving with Henry? Good or bad? Leave your comments!